In this project, we were challenged to create a responsive website on Wix that could be used on both large and mobile screens. We also needed to include at least three windows on our website. I decided to add an extra window for a 404 page. Additionally, we had to ensure a cohesive idea and design system throughout the site.
I've always had a fondness for multi-page editorial design, and I find that website design shares some similarities. I particularly enjoyed this project because of these overlaps. My primary objectives were to create a website that exudes a sense of calm, akin to walking into an old bookstore where stories envelop you, and to evoke that nostalgic, old-book feel within the pages.
Design Process
Wireframe Development
I wasn't keen on using the blank templates provided by Wix for most of this project. I aimed to master Wix to create precisely what I envisioned, within the platform's capabilities. I invested a lot of time in learning how to achieve my desired results. Following a critique, I decided to extend some pages to include more content that unfolds as you scroll. While I did use a blank template for the bottom sections of the Featured Books, I extensively modified and customized it to match my vision. However, for the rest of the project, I meticulously placed every detail to align with my exact idea.
Wix Page Builds
I soon discovered that Wix wasn't as free-form as I initially thought, but it also offered more options and tools than I had anticipated. I dedicated several hours to exploring the platform, familiarizing myself with its tools, and refining my ideas based on its capabilities and limitations. I am genuinely pleased with the work I created and have a positive view of Wix. All the images used were sourced from UnSplash, Pixabay, and Adobe Stock. Many images were edited in Photoshop to better align with my vision. Additionally, the music used was obtained from a royalty-free site and was created by Lobo Loco.
Final Work
Knowledge Gained
I gained a wealth of knowledge during this project! Prior to this, I had never used Wix, but my interest in website design made me eager to learn. I feel like I've made significant strides in understanding how to utilize Wix, to the point where I could even help others navigate its functions. While Wix does have some tricky aspects, this project has strongly motivated me to continue using Wix in the future.
The Stacks

The Stacks
